Combined stone picker machine

The COMBINED STONE PICKER RST/520-S – SPECIAL is equipped with side windrowers, allowing the machine to operate at a total working width of 3,600 mm.; the stones can be collected on any type of soil, both untilled and hard soil, or tilled and cultivated soil.
The side windrowers are hydraulically and separately operated, and the working width can be regulated according to the needs.
The stone picker machine shall be hooked to the fixed hitch of a tyred-type or tracked-type tractor, and is operated by means of the universal joint, linked to the 540-rpm Power-Take-Off (P.T.O.), without the need of any super-speed-reducer.
By means of a vibrating pick-up system, stones from 20 mm to 600 mm diameter can be easily collected, and it is thanks to this system that the maintenance of the stone collecting components is reduced to a very minimum.
The stone collecting depth – 0 to 200 mm – is hydraulically regulated from the tractor, whereas the machine working speed can vary, according to the working depth and to the quantity and size of stones present in the ground.
It is thanks to the vibrating pick-up system and to the mobile grid that even the least quantity of earth is returned back to the soil.
According to the need, there are at disposal four grids of different size – 20 – 35 – 55 or 80 mm.

The ground is left nicely tilled, hoed and tidy, ready to be seeded or to be prepared for creating parks, gardens or sports fields.

The COMBINED STONE PICKER RST/520-S SPECIAL has been designed for an optimal stone collection efficiency in the least time possible, showing a higher profitability for the removal of stones from the ground, without having to face high manpower costs and reducing also the wear-and-tear costs for agricultural equipments used in stony grounds.

The machines are manufacted entirely in our factory in Monzambano (Mantova), Italy.
Features, dimensions and weights are approximate. The firm Tomenzoli reserves itself the right to modify them without notice.


Technical data – RST/520-S SPECIAL

  • Working speed

    2-10 km/h

    Working speed

    2-10 km/h

  • Working width

    3.600 mm. MAX

    Working width

    3.600 mm. MAX

  • Stone diameter

    20-600 mm.

    Stone diameter

    20-600 mm.

  • Working depth

    0-200 mm.

    Working depth

    0-200 mm.

  • Horse-Power

    130 H.P.


    130 H.P.

  • Length

    6.000 mm.


    6.000 mm.

  • Width

    2.500 mm.


    2.500 mm.

  • Height

    2.700 mm.


    2.700 mm.

  • Weight

    5.950 kg


    5.950 kg

  • Interchangeable grate

    20-35-55-80 mm.

    Interchangeable grate

    20-35-55-80 mm.

  • Unloading height

    2.700 mm.

    Unloading height

    2.700 mm.

  • Capacity about

    5.000 kg (m³ 3,5)

    Capacity about

    5.000 kg (m³ 3,5)

  • loading capacity under favourable condition about

    1.700 mq/h - 10.000 Kg/h

    loading capacity under favourable condition about

    1.700 mq/h - 10.000 Kg/h