
Stone rake

The STONE WINDROWER RT/2500-FM, equipped with special tines – Rock Version – has a working width of 2,500 mm and it allows to gather stones in rows so as to reduce the stone collection time for the stone picker machine, clearing so from stones huge areas in a speedier way, both for preparing agricultural grounds ready to be seeded, and for creating parks, gardens or sports fields.
The Stone Windrower RT/2500-FM has to be hooked to the tractor power lift, and it can put stones from a minimum of 20 mm to a maximum of 600 mm diameter in rows.
The clutch universal joint shall be coupled to the tractor 540-rpm Power-Take-Off (P.T.O.), safeguarding so all rotor components.
The machine working depth – 0 to 200 mm – can be controlled from the tractor.
The windrower is equipped with a drive system that allows a regular speed of the rotor.
Moreover, the machine has a double function, that is: further to place stones in rows, it moves and levels the ground, it breaks the sods and, eliminating the grass, it leaves the soil itself ready for seeding.
By positioning the working unit centrally, by means of an hydraulic cylinder, the specific hoeing work can be carried out, the performances of which are similar to those obtained with milling machines and harrows.

The machines are manufacted entirely in our factory in Monzambano (Mantova), Italy.
Features, dimensions and weights are approximate. The firm Tomenzoli reserves itself the right to modify them without notice.

Technical data – RT/2500-FM

  • Working speed

    2-10 hm/h

    Working speed

    2-10 hm/h

  • Working width

    2.500 mm

    Working width

    2.500 mm

  • Stone diameter

    20-600 mm

    Stone diameter

    20-600 mm

  • Working depth

    0-200 mm

    Working depth

    0-200 mm

  • Horse-power

    60 H.P.


    60 H.P.

  • Length

    2.700 mm


    2.700 mm

  • Width

    2.000 mm


    2.000 mm

  • Height

    1.200 mm


    1.200 mm

  • Weight

    900 kg


    900 kg