Stone rake
Stone windrower equipped with special tines rock version
The windrower allows to gather stones in rows so as to reduce the collection time of stone pickers, clearing so huge areas from stones in a lesser time.
The stone windrowers RT/3000-FM and RT/4000-FM can arrange in rows stones of 20 to 600 mm diameter. The machines are tractor power take-off-operated, to which a friction cardan for safeguarding the pick-up mechanical parts is connected.
The windrowers are entirely constructed in special materials. They are equipped with special tines capable to remove even emerging rocks. Thanks to their hydraulic wheels the working depth can be controlled with no manual effort whatsoever from the operator side. The machines can be coupled to any type of tractor, crawler or tyred tractor, even if not equipped with any hydraulic lifting system. The stone windrowers are equipped with a drive system allowing a continuous control of the rotor speed. The machines can carry out a double scope: besides placing the stones in rows, they dig and level the ground, giving the same performances as those obtained with ordinary rotary hoes or harrows, operating even at 200 mm depths, permitting the braking of sods. A perfect clearing of the soil from stones can so be obtained, leaving useful earth on the ground.
The machines are manufacted entirely in our factory in Monzambano (Mantova), Italy.
Features, dimensions and weights are approximate. The firm Tomenzoli reserves itself the right to modify them without notice.
Technical data – RT/4000-FM
Working speed
2-10 hm/h
Working speed
2-10 hm/h
Working width
4.000 mm
Working width
4.000 mm
Stone diameter
20-600 mm
Stone diameter
20-600 mm
Working depth
0-200 mm
Working depth
0-200 mm
70 H.P.
70 H.P.
4.400 mm
4.400 mm
2.200 mm
2.200 mm
1.200 mm
1.200 mm
1.400 kg
1.400 kg